Adult Swim Eyewitness Nightbeat was a series of Bumps animated for Adult Swim by Next Media Animation in Taiwan. The segments were originally dubbed "Adult Swim News," before becoming Adult Swim Eyewitness Nightbeat, and gaining a new opening with The Nigthbeat Eye, burning the title into the ground with an eye laser.
The stories were mostly true, with a couple made up for Adult Swim, before the last several segments which followed The Nightbeat Eye, in a continuing story.
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Andy Dick
Actor-comedian Andy Dick was recently arrested for sexual assault at Rum Runners in Huntington, WV.
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John Edwards
Adult Swim Eyewitness Nightbeat presents Former John Edwards aide Andrew Young writes a tell-all book about the formerly valid political figure, his affair and subsequent love-child with Rielle Hunter, and his requests for DNA-filled diapers.
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Dave Willis
Adult Swim Eyewitness Nightbeat investigates the recent disappearance of Aqua Teen co-creator, Dave Willis.
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Kevin Smith
Writer-Director of size, Kevin Smith, started a Twitter war with Southwest Airlines over their indelicate handling of his husky frame from off of their dainty plane.
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Down with Ice Dancing
Australia and America unite over their hatred for Ice Dancing. Israel and Palestine had no comment.
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Ole Miss Ackbar Mascot
When the University of Mississippi dropped its Colonel Reb mascot due to its racistness, some suggested he be replaced by a puppet alien from the popular Star Wars movies. This episode marks the first appearance of the Nightbeat Eye
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Blanket Jackson Stun Gun Scare
Jermaine Jackson's son, Jaafar, allegedly pointed a secretly-obtained stun gun at the late Michael Jackson's son Blanket. Authorities intervened.
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Fat Quest, Belzer, Winslet
Richard Belzer denies choking an Apple employee, Kate Winslet does not deny jackassery of husband Sam Mendes, and Donna Simpson embraces the idea of eating herself enormous. The Nightbeat Eye's laser burns the man on the ground beginning in this clip
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Michelle McGee
Nazi-model-turned-celebrity-of-the-nanomoment Michelle "Bombshell" McGee recently broke up Sandra Bullock's marriage by bringing out the douchier side of Bullock's husband, extremely douchey motorcycle douche, Jesse "Monster Douche" James. The subtitles in this video do not translate the spoken dialogue
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Political Spending
Some donors are upset that their political donations have been funding the Republican National Committee's love of bondage-tainment. | |
Girl Power Space Rendezvous
NASA is helping to set a record for the most women in space this week as they send three females to join a fourth at the International Space Station. | |
Bathroom Sex at Sox Game
A man and his son attending a Chicago White Sox game were subjected to a far sexier bathroom experience than they were prepared for. The subtitles in this video do not translate the spoken dialogue
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Founding Father Fine Freak-Out
George Washington checked out two library books in 1789 and still hasn't returned them. He also forgot to return "Fried Green Tomatoes" to Blockbuster.
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The time-honored, Iranian-cleric-endorsed notion that immodestly dressed women lead to earthquakes was mired in insolence this week by a boob-loving student in Indiana.
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Free Oil
As an oil spill in the Gulf Coast causes catastrophic environmental and financial damage, resourceful individuals are finding themselves in the midst of an oil renaissance. | |
The Eye
The Nightbeat Eye. What's his story?
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Follow The Eye
What happens when a journalist gets too involved with a story?
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Continuing Investigation
The Nightbeat Eye isn't out of the woods yet.
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Cereal Shenanigans
When Mohawak Man loses a wrestling match to the Campbell's Kids, he decides to sue Frankenberry. But then his head gets abducted by aliens. All true.
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The Chase
The Nightbeat Eye is pursued by local law enforcement and a special ops team.