Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume Five is the fifth DVD set of Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes, released on January 29, 2008. This 2-disc boxset collected 15 episodes from the show's fourth season, which originally aired from 2005 to 2007.
Disc One[]
- "Dirtfoot"
- "Boost Mobile"
- "Dickesode"
- "Handbanana"
- "Party All The Time"
- "Bart Oates"
- "Global Grilling"
- "Grim Reaper Gutters"
- "Moonajuana"
Disc Two[]
- "Ezekial"
- "Antenna"
- "Carl Wash"
- "Star Studded Xmas Spectacular: Part 1"
- "Star Studded Xmas Spectacular: Part 2"
Special Features[]
- Favorite Episode Promos
- "Aqua Teen Hunger Force Responds to the Critics"
- "I Like Your Booty But I'm Not Gay" Music Video
- "ATHF Movie Premiere with Space Ghost"
- Deleted Scenes
- "Learn to Shred Like the Master"
- "Tera Patrick Eats a Hot Dog"
- "Granny Takes Her Top Off"
- Space Ghost Coast to Coast "Chambraigne"
- ATHF Zombie Ninja Pro-Am Trailer
- The Worst Game Ever
Easter Eggs[]
Disc One[]
- From the Main Menu, go to Setup. Highlight "English 2.0", then press left to highlight the sun and press enter. This displays a live-action comedy/horror sequence involving Ignignokt stickers. (Title 16 on the disc).