Dragon Ball Z Kai known in Japan as Dragon Ball Kai (ドラゴンボール改 Doragon Bōru Kai, Lit: Dragon Ball Renewed) is an anime series premiered in 2009. It is a renewed version of Dragon Ball Z, which has been remastered to show in high definition (HD), in 16: 9 format for Japanese broadcasting, with improvements in the scenes (Re-linked, re-analyzed, new colors and new funds), re-regulation of voices, sound effects, new opening themes, themes of opening and Ending. The kai (改「かい」) in the name of the series means updated, modified or altered.
This version was much faster than Dragon Ball Z. A large part of the episodes and filler scenes that were not present in the original manga were eliminated, some scenes were edited in the first episodes due to Japan's new policy on the content shown. on TV, and sticking a little more to the plot of Akira Toriyama's manga.