[adult swim] wiki

Mother To-be-sa was to be the second episode of Mary Shelley's Frankenhole, the episode was never aired on television or released online, unlike the other episodes. The episode involves Mother Teresa visiting Dr. Victor Frankenstein and because she is unable to say "no" to anybody's requests of her, becomes the Frankenstein family's indentured servant. While Mother Teresa does make brief appearances in later episodes as the family's servant, this episode is believed to have been banned from airing due to its themes.

Several discussions of the censored episode have popped up on Adult Swim forums. Forum users claim that Stamatopolous has said in reference to the episode, "Mother To Be-Sa" was placed on 'permanent hold'...Well directed, but the script wasn't really there yet. One of our first episodes." He is also quoted as saying, "Put it out of your brain" in reference to the episode, implying that it will never be released to the public.

On October 2015, the episode was located by Reddit user rayword45 on series creator Dino Stamatopoulos' Facebook page. The episode had actually been publicly viewable since as early as 2010 but was removed from Facebook when Stamatopoulos deleted his old account.
