Star Wars: Clone Wars is an American animated television miniseries developed and directed by Genndy Tartakovsky and produced by Lucasfilm and Cartoon Network Studios for Cartoon Network. Set in the Star Wars universe, specifically between the Star Wars prequel trilogy films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, it is amongst the first of many works to explore the Clone Wars. The show follows the actions of various prequel trilogy characters, notably Jedi and clone troopers, in their war against the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Sith.
The series aired on Cartoon Network for three seasons totalling 25 episodes from November 7, 2003, to March 25, 2005 and was the first Star Wars television series since Ewoks (1985–1986). The first two seasons of Clone Wars, released on DVD as Volume One were produced in episodes ranging from two to three minutes, while the third season consists of five 12-minute episodes and was released on DVD as Volume Two. The two volumes were released on DVD by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Since its release, the series has received critical acclaim and won multiple awards, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program for both volumes. Its success led to it being spun off as the CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars in 2008. The show is available to be streamed on Disney+.
A prodigious animated series that is very easy to watch and that shows a different approach to the Clone Wars from a more action-focused point of view. Its frenetic pace, its cartoonish touch and its way of paying homage to Star Wars without having to dive into complicated plots.